My photo
Welcome to our blog. We will be updating it every few days. Chance and I started this photography business because we both have found the art in capturing something for a lifetime. It may sound stupid, but we don't want to waste our lives doing something we don't enjoy. We are going to use the talents our God has given us to embark on an adventure. We are here to live for Christ and to serve you through it. We love taking pictures, meeting new people and playing with our cat.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Help us Hallie

On Thursday, Chance and I were really bored, and we wanted to try some evening pictures. We had some cool ideas for lighting and stuff we wanted to play around with. Basically we needed to find models that could meet us at 9 at night, and of course it would be nice if they were super hot. Thinking that NO ONE would want to meet us on such late notice, Hallie and Alden came to the rescue. I know Hallie from my last job and Alden is her boyfriend. They are super sweet and super fine. We didn't spend a lot of time with them, so we didn't get a lot of pictures in, but some still turned out pretty rad. Thanks guys for meeting us on such late notice, it was fun.


I love this picture, even if there are too many shadows in it!






Ryan said...

That shot with them lying on the tables and the blue ground is pretty freakin' awesome. Well done.

Constructive criticism: that first shot is great but you have some pretty crazy halos around them. Watch out for that when masking and working with the shadow/highlight filter.

But other than that, good to see your progress buddy.

Dani Mac Photography said...

Hey it was great to finally "officially meet" you two at the Freedom workshop yesterday!
I will keep checkin' out your blog to see what's up with your work.
I will probably see you around :)