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Welcome to our blog. We will be updating it every few days. Chance and I started this photography business because we both have found the art in capturing something for a lifetime. It may sound stupid, but we don't want to waste our lives doing something we don't enjoy. We are going to use the talents our God has given us to embark on an adventure. We are here to live for Christ and to serve you through it. We love taking pictures, meeting new people and playing with our cat.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mathieu Chantry James AKA Sexiness

So, I know that sometimes I might come off completely annoying because I am always talking about my husband and how wonderful he is, but I just have to give credit where credit is due. I've been enjoying my 5 months of marriage so much and since Chance is starting to photograph weddings it makes me think about the meaning of 'I do.'

My hubbs, Chance, is truly my hero. He never judges me, never thinks I'm stupid, (when he clearly should), and always makes me feel secure in our marriage and his love for me. He is my spiritual leader, not always out loud, but more humbly, more genuinely. Through his actions, service and dedication to our God I trust that Chance will protect me, us and our faith. He never makes me feel less than, or ungodly, or ugly. He rises me up and makes me feel so important. It's bizarre knowing I have his heart. I am so lucky. We laugh together, act silly together and basically make sure we say "I freaking love you" at least four times a day.

I don't know if I'm coming off like the typical newlywed bride, but if i am i apologize. I know I'm not an expert, and many people would disagree with what I'm about the say, and that's ok, because I don't want to act like I know all. But let me go ahead and say that marriage is a holy thing. It wasn't invented by our country or the world for that matter. Marriage was God's idea. It was and still is meant to be an act of service to each other. If you and your 'lover' don't look to something bigger than yourself to serve each other, love each other etc. then you might not experience marriage to it's fullest potential. Most people long to be wanted, loved and pursued. That's how we were made. So how can we keep pursuing each other when the romantic dating stops? This is when we don't look to ourselves, but something better, bigger than us. I could go on about this forever, but I won't because I know some people are just so turned off by marriage and it's purpose. Some people even get upset when they realize they NEED to turn to Christ. And honestly it makes me sad, because ultimately it means us Christ followers haven't done a great job living like Jesus.

This idea of marriage was put on my heart this last week because a young girl came up to me and complimented my marriage. It was encouraging, and very surprising, but I understood it wasn't any of my doing, but God's work in me. I still have many things i need to accept, many lessons to learn, and many years of marriage to keep this mindset, but yet I am excited for the challenges ahead, because Chance and I are not alone. Hur-ray for marriage! Hur-ray for Chance!

1 comment:

Tafer said...

Wow! Wonderfully said. Be encouraged to continue pursuing marriage faithfully as an act of worship. Both of you are a blessing.